If your Visa credit or debit card is lost or stolen, please call one of the following numbers to ensure that the account is blocked to prevent any fraudulent use:

Visa Credit Card - (800) 991 - 4961

Visa Debit Card - (800) 991 - 4965


The Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Unions website contains third party links which are not created or maintained by the credit union. Links to other websites found here are provided to assist you in locating information. A link between our website and another companys does not constitute a product or program endorsement of any kind by Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Union or its employees. We have no responsibility for the content, accuracy, or propriety of information at the websites found at those links, or beyond.

Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Unions Privacy Policy does not apply to linked websites. Therefore, it is advised to consult the privacy policies of any website visited outside of the www.franklinjohnstownfcu.com domain.

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To help the government fight terrorist funding and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your drivers license or other identifying documents.

Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Union

Member Helping Member

Online Banking has arrived! After signing up at our office, simply click the link above. Youll be enjoying this convenient service in no time!

News and Important Bulletins

Open a new Visa Credit Card and get 0% for the first six months on all purchases and balance transfers.

Subject to credit approval.

310 Bloomfield St 544 Vine Street

Johnstown, PA 15904 Johnstown, PA 15901

814-262-9117 814-539-5697


The Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Union is a Not-For-Profit, member owned, financial organization dedicated to becoming the primary financial institution for our members. We strive to provide the highest quality of personal attention while maintaining stability and growth.

We are ultimately committed to the credit union philosophy of:

Member Helping Member

Federally insured by the NCUA

Voice Response Unit (VRU) is here for you...


If you have ever tried calling the credit union to get your balance, only to have the phone continually ring or be put on hold, why not try our Voice Response Unit. All you need is your account number followed by a zero (no added zeroes or ones in front) and your access code, which initially is the last four digits of your Social Security number. For former Gautier members, your access code transferred from Gautier. The phone number for local calls is 254-4377 and out of town can call toll free at 888-705-7906. Just follow the prompts and you can get balances, check clearings, transfer funds, all without waiting for a member service rep to finish waiting on the member(s) in front of them and answer the phone.

Merchant Processor Banking / E-Statements

If you havent already done so, now is the time to sign up for merchant credit card services banking. Stop in any of our offices to have your account linked to merchant processor banking and receive a free credit card terminal. Then use this merchant processor link to access your account 24-7. View check clearings, deposits, withdrawals, all with the click of the mouse. You can transfer money between merchant processor accounts and make your loan payments here as well.


While you are at it, why not sign up for e-statements. No more waiting for the mailman to deliver your monthly/quarterly statement. Your statement will be available for viewing/printing on the first of each month/quarter.

Extended through July, (and this is no joke!) we are offering auto loans with rates as low as 2.90%. Our Spring Car Sale has never looked better. We have annual percentage rates ranging from 2.90% through 5.90% on new 2010 and 2009 models and rates ranging from 4.90% through 6.90% on used models. These rates also include motorcycles. Since the bad weather is behind us, start thinking about Spring and about driving a new car. Theres no better time than now to start the process. We offer pre-approval to get you going. Call our offices for more information and a payment quote. These rates are so low they will only last a few months so dont delay. We will be waiting for you.


Certain terms and conditions apply. Based on Credit. Rates subject to change.



Text Box: Important Notice
Effective August 1, 2010, Franklin Johnstown FCU will no longer process share drafts (checks) with the Gautier FCU ABA/Routing number.  They will be returned  Text Box: Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Union has partnered with Cuna Mutual Group to offer Long Term Care coverage.  Click here to log on to our secure website to perform a personal and financial needs assessment, determine specific state costs for various long term care options, obtain a quick pricing quote from multiple carriers, or contact Long Term Care Specialist for assistance and apply for coverage.