Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Union

Member Helping Member

Youth Count

310 Bloomfield St 544 Vine Street

Johnstown, PA 15904 Johnstown, PA 15901

814-262-9117 814-539-5697

Federally insured by the NCUA


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Kids: Check out this site!!!

1.  Her best soup spoons make good pocket change.  Legend has it that Martha Washington donated the silverware from her table to make the nation's first currency



2.  Half a dime wasn't a nickel then.  The first American coins were half dimesspelled "dismes"which were struck in the fall of 1792. Though worth 5 cents, they contained no nickel, but were mostly silver with a trace of copper. The first circulating coins were one cent pieces made the following year.

3.  "In God We Trust" was first used on coins during the Civil War.  This inscription was added to the two-cent piece of 1864. But it didn't become necessary to add it to all coins until 1955. The inscription "E Pluribus Unum," which means "One from Many" (as in one country made from many states) was first used on the gold $5 piece of 1795.

4.  Coins last a lot longer than bills.  The life expectancy of a circulating coin is 30 years, while paper money usually only lasts for 18 months. Now you see why using Golden dollars instead of dollar bills makes a lot of sense!

5.  $10 billion goes a long way.  If you were lucky enough to have 10 billion Sacagawea golden dollars and you spent one every second of every day, guess how long they would last? In exactly 317 years, you would go broke!

Try this site for some fun:

(Grades K-5 and 6-8)