Your auto insurance might not be enough. If your vehicle is stolen, accidentally damaged beyond repair or declared a total loss, your auto insurance will cover only the replacement value of your vehicle. Nevertheless, you remain liable for payment of the difference between the insurance settlement and your loan balance. This deficiency can easily amount to thousands of dollars-money that comes out of your pocket for a vehicle that no longer exists. For just a few dollars a month, you can protect yourself against this kind of unexpected expense.


It's easy to get. You can elect Gap Protection at the same time you apply for your vehicle loan at the Credit Union. The premium can be rolled into your monthly loan payment. Gap protection provides protection for the term of your loan up to 84 months.


Coverage for vehicles valued up to $100,000.00 at time of purchase.

Payment of benefits up to $50,000.00.

Coverage for insurance deductibles up to $1,000.00.

Benefits up to $1,000.00 down payment credit towards a replacement vehicle.


Ask the Credit Union loan department about Gap Protection for your next auto loan. The cost is inexpensive compared to the benefits.



As a credit union member, you and your family can have the valuable financial protection you need when you take out a loan. Sign up for Member's Choice term life and disability insurance when you sign for your loan. In the event of your death, term life insurance pays the insured balance of your covered loan, up to the policy maximum. Should you become totally and continuously disabled by a covered sickness or accident which persists beyond the policy waiting period, your covered loan payments are protected with disability insurance. Premiums can be added to your loan balance for your convenience.


It's reassuring to know that not only your family can be financially protected, but also your credit rating, your collateral and your income can be protected with Member's Choice term life and disability insurance. Be sure to consult a credit union loan officer for complete details before you sign your loan papers.

Franklin Johnstown Federal Credit Union

Member Helping Member

Loan Insurance Programs

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310 Bloomfield St 544 Vine Street

Johnstown, PA 15904 Johnstown, PA 15901

814-262-9117 814-539-5697

Federally insured by the NCUA